Washington's Realities Illuminated and Exposed

"I've never heard anyone who has made this stuff as clear as you...     It was  like somebody
had just opened the windows and  the light came pouring in."
                                Keith Morrison - host of CANADA AM, now with Dateline NBC

Mark Bruzonsky's  (Bio)  incisive columns and articles have appeared in major publicatons in 11 countries.  He has lived in Washington for more than 25 years after getting his graduate degrees from Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs and New York University Law School where he was a Root-Tilden Scholar.  Having lived in Washington for so long Bruzonsky has a special grasp of how the political and legal systems intersect with the vast array of think-tanks, media organizations, lobbyists, and foreign representatives.   Bruzonsky has appeared on NBC, BBC, CBC, FOX, C-Span, CTV, Court TV and many foreign media networks.  Throughout the historic White House Middle East Peace signing ceremony with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat Bruzonsky provided the live commentary from Washington on the major CTV Canadian Television Network.    To contact Mark Bruzonsky  -  -  202 Number2 (202 686-2372)
Fully half of Americans now believe Bush purposefully lied to bring about the Iraq invasion/occupation.
57% believe the Iraq War was 'Not Worth It'.  And 42% believe if the President lied about the war he should be impeached!

Current BlogWashington          Archives 2005:   July   August    

Thu - 29 Sept - Royal Hashemites On Parade:   The political hacks have taken over just about all the Washington international affairs centers and think-tanks.  And that certainly includes the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars at the Ronald Reagan Center now headed by former Congressman Lee Hamilton and his long-time cronie side-kick Mike VanDusen.  The former Crown Prince of Jordan spoke there yesterday, a dull speech full of long-winded platitudes received by an aging compliant audience which offered up largely meaningless questions and quite restrained ever-so-polite applause.   Hardly any serious comments or questions at all by the way about the real issues of the day from Iraq to Palestine to Afghanistan to Chechya to Iran.    No mention or questions as well about how the speaker who had been the Crown Prince for more than 30 years was suddenly pushed aside at the last minute --  in a little CIA-inspired political coup -- and replaced with Abdullah II, son rather than brother of the late King Hussein ending up with the new crown.  It was actually fitting of course because it was after all the British who enthroned the Hashemites to Amman in the first place shortly after World War I -- the other branch of the family being brought to Baghdad where they stayed in power until the violent 1958 revolution which found most of them dragged through the streets and dismembered.  
    Abdullah II was in town last week pretending to be a credible spokesman for Islam -- easy in the U.S. but increasingly a mission impossible back home.   Now the former Crown Prince, Uncle Hassan, is reemerging again, pretty much in the hands of the same American handlers as before, the very same who dealt him the terrible humiliation just a few long years ago when the Jordanian Constitution was changed (at the Royal Jordanian Embassy in Washington by the way and unknown to Hassan) making it possible for Abdullah, born of British mother actually and far more suited for the Georgetown Sandhurst crowd than for any throngs back home to take the Kingship.  After all Abdullah, even more than Hassen, had been carefully groomed for the job by his Western patrons in order to use him to to keep those he rules in the Arab Muslim under what let's call a kind of remote control.

Wed - 28 Sept - Dan Rather's Chilling but Unheard and Unheeded Warning:   Partially retired, understandably somewhat bitter, former CBS News Anchor Dan Rather, like his predecessor Walter Cronkite, is now free to speak his mind.   Earlier this month he spoke at Fordham University Law School and told some of the under-the-rock truths that we all very much need to hear and understand.  Rather got little attention in Washington but this attempt to belittle him and the important new messages he is bringing did appear in the Washington Times on 21 Sept with the title of "Weeply Dan":

    Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather said Monday that there is a climate of fear running through newsrooms stronger than he has ever seen in his more than four-decade career, according to a Hollywood Reporter article by Paul J. Gough.
    Mr. Rather famously tangled with President Nixon and his aides during the Watergate years while Mr. Rather was a hard-charging White House correspondent.
    Addressing the Fordham University School of Law in Manhattan, occasionally forcing back tears, he said that in the intervening years, politicians "of every persuasion" had gotten better at applying pressure on the conglomerates that own the broadcast networks. He called it a "new journalism order."
    He said this pressure -- along with the "dumbed-down, tarted-up" coverage, the advent of 24-hour cable competition and the chase for ratings and demographics -- has taken its toll on the news business.
    "All of this creates a bigger atmosphere of fear in newsrooms," Mr. Rather said.
    Mr. Rather was accompanied by HBO Documentary and Family President Sheila Nevins, both of whom received lifetime achievement awards at the News and Documentary Emmy Awards on Monday evening.
    Miss Nevin asked Mr. Rather whether he felt the same type of repressive forces in the Nixon administration as in the current Bush administration.
    "No, I do not," Mr. Rather said.

Meanwhile old Texas crony Karen Hughes, a kind of media fix-up gal Friday to her friend George Bush and now the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, is on her first, that's right first, visit to the Middle East lecturing one and all on everything on the virtues of American-style democracy to  women driving in Saudi Arabia.
The idea that the main problem the Americans have is public relations -- even with all of their funded and manipulated TV, radio, and oh so many other propaganda conduits and methodololgies -- is quite off the mark of course.  The real problem has been for some time the policies; Washington remains in deep denial; and Hughes has no idea what's going on in the Middle East though she does know her way around he Bushies and their Washington.

Tue - 27 Sept - Civil Wars and Multinational Wars:  
Iraq has already been plundged into Civil War and the American-generated Constitution to be voted on next month in an American-prepared-and-guarded pseudo photo-op election may well push the country to the breaking point.   Meanwhile the Palestinians too are being pushed and pushed toward Civil War; Lebanon and Algeria of course already having had theirs.  Meanwhile as well targets Iran, Syria, Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Palestine (Hamas) are all very much on the Bush/Cheney/Neocon radar awaiting the moment of opportunity sure to come, or to be manufactured, sooner or later one way or another.   Few people really read these days, fewer still understand and are able to connect the dots.  The following is right on the front page of the Washington Post today for those who care:

Car bombings and other insurgent attacks, as unknown in Baghdad before the invasion as suicide subway
bombings were in London until this summer, have killed more than 3,000 people in the capital since late spring. 
Leaving the house for work each day has become a matter of turning the key and consigning one's fate to God,
said Jassim Mohammed, 41, a Karrada merchant who has lost two of his closest friends and one of his lighting
shops in car bombings since the Americans came. 
"Now in Iraq, no one and nothing can protect you but that.
Every morning you kiss them goodbye," Mohammed said, referring to his wife and children, "because you don't
know if you will be back or not. Everyone in Iraq does that now."

As this quote illustrates, the Washington Post foreign service still has a tradition, however watered down and under pressure, of trying to report realities from the field.  The editorial page is another matter, today with more finger and gun-pointing anti-Iranian war preparations inspired, truth be told, by the papers traditional close alliance with Israel and a host of American Jewish groups and personalities. 
     But Washington also has a second paper and that's the one that really whips up continually the
Clash of Civilizations' supposedly pitting Judeo-Christianity 'civilization' against a rising Islamic 'horde'.  Along with constantly promoting a coming U.S.-Chinese clash The Washington Times seizes every opportunity to foment anti-Muslim and anti-Arab hysteria.   Today for instance on the editorial page you can read all about how Europe is being taken over by Islam!   'Thwarting Eurabia', is the title of Michael Barone's Op Ed which is itself an advertisement, complete with picture, for editorial page editor Tony Blankley's new book titled with true fear-mongering hysteria The West's Last Chance - Will We Win the Clash of Civilizations?

Mon - 26 Sept - New Old Gaza - New Old America:    "The 'new' Gaza' looks very much like the old Gaza" -- that was the BBC News take on the situation Saturday night; much closer to reporting the realities of the situation than any of the American networks.
    As for the new USA -- the one dominated by the Neocons and the Evangelicals brought to power in the Bush/Cheney Administration -- just imagine had V-P Gore become President in the USA instead nearly five years ago now.  Think how different the political, economic, and Supreme Court history of the USA would have been; how differently policies in the Middle East might have played out; how different would be the U.S. relationship with other countries in the world.
     Now imagine that a former President of the United States declares that he is sure Gore won the election in 2000 not Bush.   And imagine that that former President is in fact known throughout the world for 'monitoring' elections in countries far and wide.
     Actually this later little footnote to history you don't have to imagine.  It happened last week right here in Washington.  And even with the help of BlogWashington reporting what happened, giving the precise quote, and even obtaining the audio of Jimmy Carter's startling pronouncement (listen), you won't find even reference to what the former President said in the corporate big-media.

Sun - 25 Sept - Anti-War Makes It To Page 1:     It's not often that the anti-war realities make it to page 1 of the Washington Post, even with a decent picture this time.   Now don't get me wrong.  The Post nearly always misplays these things including this time.  The picture should have been of demonstators in front of the White House, that was the theme of the demonstration and one of the unusual aspects to it in fact -- itstead for some unknown reason they showed demonstrators on '14th Street' unlike the photo to the left.  And the articles focus and themes were widely off in crucial aspects as well.   Last night there was supposed to be a joint Cindy Sheehan, George Galloway, evening.   Sheehan decided to spend the hours with the Congressional Black Caucus instead; and even though literally just a few blocks away couldn't find 15 minutes to appear.  Galloway literally brought the house down, a riveting performance by a master political showman and quite a serious political gadfly, even if his kind of grandstanding turns many a little off.  Could he handle his p.r. better and have a much bigger outreach...yes.   But even so his American booktour on top of his sui generis Senate performance now make Galloway, the renegage British Parliamentarian,  one of
the most interesting and credible of America's anti-war anti-imperialism personalities.

Sat - 24 Sept - Huge Numbers Call for Bush Impeachment in DC...Police State Mentality and Tactics Growing:
   It was a huge sea of protesters today in Washington -- far greater than anticipating and surely numbering in the many hundreds of thousands regardless of what the 'authorities' and the corporate press will report.   Judged by numbers and enthusiasm it was a considerable success.  Judged by political and social realities it was nothing of the kind however.  The range of speakers continued to be very narrow and limited, thanks to the way the organizers choose to play their cards.   The total failure to use the powerful weapon of peaceful civil disobedience is another feature of the organizers who have their little deal with the authorities that as long as they police their own themselves they will continue to get favored treatment from the real police who then have a far easier time of it and the politicians who breath a sign of relief.   And in the end everyone knows that these demonstrations have kind of become an end in themselves for the organizers; there is no serious ongoing day-to-day strategy to actually change the policies they so vehemently protest for that is not really the main goal.
    Meanwhile, it was a few days ago now that the famous international journalist Robert Fisk was boarding a plane in Canada to be the keynote speaker at a sold-out conference in New Mexico when  U.S. immigration police barred him from entering the land of the free and the home of the brave.   Fisk ended up being brought in by satellite hookup.  No one in Washington can remember a time when someone with Fisk's journalistic stature and credentials was barred from the U.S.   It's but another sign of the growing police state mentality of the new 'Homeland Security' dominated American polity. 

Fri  - 23 Sept - Carter Declares Gore Won Bush Lost:   As usual with Jimmy Carter his honesty comes too late, though maybe in this case we won't say too little.   Speaking Tuesday at American University Carter finally declared in public (listen):  "Well I would say that in the year 2000 the country failed abysmally in the presidential election process," the former president remarked. "There’s no doubt in my mind that Al Gore was elected president."   And after the applause Carter added:  "He received the most votes nationwide, and in my opinion, he also received the most votes in Florida.  And the decision was made as you know on a 5-4 vote on a highly partisan basis by the U.S. Supreme Court, so I would say in 2000, there was a failure."  Noteably, even though this is a monumental issue for Carter to be speaking about, he chose to do so in a very low-key way, in response to a student question, and without his usual side-kick these days, James Baker, who in fact was the point-man for Bush/Cheney in what follows from Carter's remarks was the stealing of the 2000 election and one of the greatest perversions ever of the American 'democratic' system.
     But beyond this gross perversion of democracy that the Republicans and the Supreme Court perpetrated a few years ago -- we know now even according to a former President -- the criminally incompetent and corrupt policies of the Bush/Cheney/Neocon regime should be the current focus.   If these guys were the CEO of a major corporation the Board of Directors would have gotten rid of them by now in view of their terrible deceptions and disastrous policies -- much too destructive of the bottom line and the brand name, that's for sure!    In a parliamentary system the legislative branch would surely by now have thrown them out to public applause and new elections.   But even with such a miserable record of lies, deceptions, failures, and hugh costs that were promised not to be -- just a few of which are noted below -- the Bush/Cheney/Neocon/Evangelical regime continues in power; and with such things as Supreme Court appointments, CIA actions, Pentagon war plans, and corporate-determined environmental policies, is still deciding and ruining the future for us all for some time to come.

Rumsfeld, 3/30/03 - "We know where [the WMDs] are."
Cheney, 3/16/03 - "We will in fact, be greeted as liberators...  I think it will go relatively
                           quickly... [in] weeks rather than months." 
Cheney, 3/16/03 - "We believe [Saddam] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons."
Rice, 9/10/02 - "We do know that [Saddam] is actively pursuing a nuclear weapon."
Bush, 5/29/03 - "We found the weapons of mass destruction."
Bush, 9/17/03 - "There's no question that Saddam Hussein had al Qaeda ties."

Thur - 22 Sept
- Iraq Civil War expanding - Global Warming Consequences:   Finally last night a major news network, NBC, presented the unprecedented Hurricanes now hitting the U.S. with greater force than ever as 'possibly' the result of 'Global Warming'.  Most of the independent scientific community says 'almost definitely' global warming is a major factor in what is happening.   The Bush regime says 'definitely not'.  The man who got more votes than Bush to be President in 2000, Al Gore, says 'for sure', but can't get much attention from the corporate mass media in the U.S. though finally did get some big exposure big in the Financial Times this week. The situation now borders on critical and soon may be disastrous though the public at large doesn't quite get it, largely because their mass media won't seriously raise the alarm in a serious and sustained way.  Who is responsible?   More than any other country the policies pursued by the United States for many decades now have contributed far more to global warming than any other -- Gore is right, Bush is culpable.   And more than any other the leadership of the United States is also more responsible than any other for denying what is happening and for blocking international efforts to even attempt to deal with it.  What could be more historically criminal to the welfare and future of us all that what the United States has done to our world through its grossly exploitative and abusive economic policies; yet who will hold the U.S. and its leaders responsible and what can still be done to head off the far greater disasters now looming and quite forseeable?
    "We will not cut and run.  We will not leave the job half done" -- that's John Reid yesterday, British Defense Minister, at a London Press conference with the current U.S./U.K. Iraqi government's P.M., the day after an Iraqi crowd in Basra exploded in rage against the British assault on an Iraqi prison to free a couple of British secret service agents caugt in the act, dressed as Arabs, with a car full of explosives and secret communications gear.  The U.S./U.K. occupation of Iraq is now running out of steam as well as out of crediblity.  The cost of the Iraqi fiasco has already been tremendous in blood and treasure; and it seems the historical ramifications are just beginning....just as is the blowback from the flagrant excesses of the industrial revolution that spawned global warming.

Wed - 21 Sept - Israel On The March:   At a Mayflower Hotel conference just blocks from the White House today journalist Seymour Hersh harshly warned that the Bush regime has promised the Sharon regime in Israel to take on Iran, even as stories leak out that the Pentagon is preparing tactical nuclear weapons to make sure Iran's military capabilities are totally destroyed when and if the clash comes, the Israelis are quite unbelievably pushing for a Security Council seat for the first time.  Meanwhile the Palestinians are being pushed and pushed closer to civil war -- something the Israelis have actually been hoping to bring about for many years --  and the situation in Iraq is more explosive than ever, in fact already a kind rolling partial civil war under Western occupation.

Tue - 20 Sept - Global Warming Denial and Criminality + Gaza Push Push Spend Spend:   The Israelis have a big push underway in Washington, using various front-groups and NGOs connected with government, to push the Gaza 'Disengagement' as an opportunity for the Palestinians that has to be both supported and financed by the 'international community'.  Yesterday they brought the deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv, Yael Dayan, to the Carnegie Endowment, and today they brought a group of a few Israelis, along with a few quisling on-the-take Palestinians, to Capitol Hill.  Private meetings are taking place all over the city pushing the idea that lots of money has to be pumped into Gaza now, even if there are no political agreements and no one really knows where things are going.  But of course the Israelis aren't talking about their money, and certainly not about reparations as are fully called for -- they're talking about everybody elses money. 
     Of course the financial and attention American burden with Katrina on top of Iraq make things a harder sell for the Israelis then they had anticipated.   With the natural barrier islands and the wetlands of the American coastlands having been considerable destroyed by the politicians and developers, and with so much denial from Washington when it comes to global warming, Katrina is hardly the end of the line.   Add to global warming and its increasingly likely ramifications the coming oil glut and you have a world of conflict and despair coming considerably greater than the politicians dare admit.  But they will be long gone while all of us and our offspring will be suffering, and paying, and crying, forever now.
    Oh yes, I said yesterday that the Korean nuclear 'agreement' was more or a U.S. ploy to deal with Iran just in advance of the latest important IAEA meetings; and sure enough it only took a day for the media to start calling the 'agreement' actually just a statement of 'principles', and the North Koreans themselves have indicated not much has really changed as far as they are concerned.  The corporate media has such a hard time connecting the dots when the government propagandists blow just a little smoke in their eyes.

Mon - 19 Sept - Get IRAN!:   Washington's Neocons, with V-P Cheney and many elements of the Israeli-Jewish lobby in the lead, keep manuevering to put Iran in the crosshairs just as soon as they can politically manage it.  Militarily the situation may continue to deteriorate so the clock is ticking.  The push to get Iran helps explain why the Americans at the last minute last night backed up regarding North Korea after a phone call from the Chinese Foreign Minister to Secretary of State Rice.   Though it remains highly questionable what the North Koreans are said to have agreed to today -- "Little More Than Pleasant Sounding Words" is the way the BBC reported the agreement today -- it appears the Americans wanted to give the impression of some kind of agreement in advance of the upcoming IAEA meeting that will focus on Iran.   Israel's Sharon has been pushing the Americans hard for some time now to bring Iran down, one way or another; and the powerful coalition of Christian Evangelical and Jewish Zionists in Washington is very much singing the same tune. 

Sat - 17 Sept - U.N. 60th whimpers away:   Guess who got the loudest applause among the 160+ world leaders attending this week's 60th anniversary gathering at the U.N.?   It was non other than Hugo Chavez of Venezuela the beit noir of the U.S. whom leading American Evangelical Pat Robertson has publicly called upon the CIA to assassinate.   The Americans managed to castrate the U.N.'s grand plans, and practically personally Kofi Annan himself.   But then the last Secretary-General, Boutros-Ghali, Washington fired for mildly attempting to give the U.N. a modicum of independence from Washington.  With Kofi it's only necessary to put him in his place now and then.
   Meanwhile the intellectual cock fight of the week -- no definitely of the year so far at the least -- took place this week with British MP George Galloway and former Trotskyist far leftist now Neocon far rightest Christopher Hitchens providing the slugging entertainment.  Read all about it from this Hitchens' endorsed blog summary.
And listen if you can't resist -- yes who among us can resist the intellectual equivalent of Smack Down.

Fri - 16 Sept
- Smell More War:   How can we overlook Bush asking Condi if he can go to the Bathroom -- and right there sitting in the Security Council representing his country!   Flashback for many to the 6th grade.  This is one of those cases where the picture is out of this world. "I think I may need a bathroom break?  Is this possible? W(hen)?"
   In a Parliamentary system the Bush/Reagan/Neocon regime would already be history. 
But the Americans are saddled with a Presidential/Congressional system increasingly controlled by a military-industrial-p.r. complex and in the end this unaccountability will continue to weaken the American Empire maybe at an escalating rate.   The Katrina catastrophe/fiasco will not totally pass from consciousness but it will fade and soon again the political and international realities will reappear.  Bush's 'brain', Karl Rove, and VP Cheney's 'Scooter' are still likely to be charged for CIAgate soon now; the Israeli/Jewish Lobby Spy Scandal is not over; the Israeli/U.S. Peace Scam (i.e., 'Disengagement' and the 'Road Map') is a short-term p.r. fix with a considerable price tag and already unraveling; the Iraqi civil war will further escalate and maybe regionally metasticize, the Chinese and Japanese hold over Washington through hundreds of billions in U.S. Treasury notes continues to grow with untold consquences; and neither Iran nor North Korea are planning to succumb to U.S. dictate.    Be it financial or political the Bush/Reagan/Neocon camp has massively mortgaged and short-changed Americans who are increasingly living far beyond their means; and thus their future is more in doubt than ever whether they want to talk about it or not.
   Inside Washington the political purging in the foreign policy establishment is still continuing, even though the focus has been nearly solely on the considervatization of the Supreme Court.  During the summer a 4-star General opposed to the Neocons was abruptly relieved of command forced out.   A few days ago the same happened to the equivalent of a 4-star at the CIA.

Thu - 15 Sept - Syria and Iran in the Gunsights:   First thing this morning driving in to work Washingtonians heading to their power positions were alerted louder than before that Syria is next.   The All-News WTOP radio station -- increasingly a conduit for government propaganda information and an official sponsor in fact of last week's Pentagon 'Freedom March' -- featured a report with Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad (now in Iraq after his stint in Afghanistan) proclaiming that the U.S. has definite proof the Syrians are training the Iraqi insurgents, and then quoting anonymous sources warning that 'American cruise missiles' can easily take out those bases.   Even with Iraq exploding and Afghanistan a narco-state just as before Washington power brokers are using the CIA more than ever attempting regime change in both Tehran and Damascus, and will use the military to bring about that goal as well as de-arm those still-independent states.  This is the firm joint U.S.-Israeli policy in the Bush-Sharon years and even with all the other problems Washington is facing this 'New World Order' restructing of world affairs is going forward and could erupt more into public view at anytime.
   Meanwhile the Washington pressure is really on in the Middle East region.  Bashar Assad is so afraid he didn't even risk leaving Damascus to attend the 60th U.N. anniversary -- the Americans pleased of course.  The Iranians are about to be further isolated and sanctioned; all designed to further weaken their economy and Washington hopes create more troubles for the regime there.  And in Palestine Mahmoud Abbas also stayed home rather than attend the U.N. summit, even though the situation in Gaza proved so dangerous for him that he didn't even attend the big rally celebrating the settler departure from Gaza.   Such celebrations are going to be short-lived anyway when the realities of what the Israelis and the Americans have done to the Palestinians in fracturing and imprisoning them more than ever begin to hit home.
   Oh yes, by the way, Washington is so extraordinarly full of itself and its own little and big problems that the largest gathering of world leaders in history for the 60th anniversary of the U.N. didn't even make it to the front page of the Washington Post.  Indeed, one has to scan to page 8 to find out about the event; and even then the real story is largely masked as if it's really all about President Bush's speech scolding and chastising the United Nations.   Kofi Annan has bitten his tongue repeatedly in recent days, finally managing to emerge from the disasters he has overseen with a comment about how 'it's a start'.   And old Bill Clinton is at it again, he just can manage to stop running for something.   As nutty as it may seem to many the man really does want to be Kofi's successor and today is convening a 3-day global initiatives gala in Manhattan claiming that he and his and going to be activists to get done what others are just talking about.   Bill is determined that he's either going to be back in the White House with Hillary or the first American Secretary-General looking ahead to U.N.'s new digs soon to be under construction.   A little ironic though that on the day Clinton convenes his Clinton Global Initiative a major global survey finds politicians mistrusted even more than they might find acceptible.

Wed - 14 Sept
- Clash of Civilizations:
   Official Washington, including nearly all of the official mass media and political correct academic class is pretty much oblivious to views and political realities expressed beyond American shores...and in most cases beyond American hearing.   But indeed there is an escalating
Clash of Civilizations and one which the Americans -- propelled forward by the Neocons and the Evangelicals -- is largely responsible for both creating and constantly fueling.  Lucky we have such figures as the Mayor of London in Europe and Arundhati Roy in the subcontinent (New Delhi) and Mohamed Mahathir in Asia to help present things in contrasting and stark terms helping us all understand what is really happening and how huge the stakes really are.
   Meanwhile, let's call it 'Patsy United Nations', though tempted to simply say 'Damn the U.N.'    Publicly raped by the Americans as never before in 2002, continually sullied and defied by America's protege Israel, world leaders are meetin today at the U.N. in greater numbers than ever before.   Yet the declaration they were supposed to issue to seriously combat world poverty, weapons proliferation, global warming, etc., had been gutted by the Americans and Kofi Annan is reduced to being a kind of powerless empire as the Americans use their big dog, John Bolton, to keep everyone fearful and in line.  That includes Palestinian 'President' Mahmoud Abbas by the way, ordered by his American and Israeli keepers to stay away and police his own on their ever-shrinking bantustans.  Oh yes, news from Iraq is more blooody than ever as the world leaders meet in New York to listen to George W. opin and dissemble about what he and his have done, and about which he has forced the U.N. into such miserable complicity.  Ironic that this is also the day the occupied Iraqis have finally said they've finished their new Constititution and turned it over to, guess whom, the gullible U.N. for printing and distribution.

Tue - 13 Sept - Undermining the U.N.:   It appears Washington has successfully undermined the major plans many at the U.N. had to make this week's gathering of world leaders a time for a major declaration on world affairs setting the agenda for years to come -- including alleviating international poverty, strengthening international law, and dealing with global warming.  Indeed John Bolton was pushed on the U.N. without Senate confirmation precisely to do the dirty work, and he's been super busy at achieving renewed U.S. control over U.N. affairs.   Chief Justice to be John Roberts may be dominating the Washington headlines at the moment, and he is sure to have a major impact on American constitutional law for years to come; but what happens to the world in the meantime is actually of far greater significance, and the Bush/Cheney/Neocon/Evangelical regime operates on multi-simultaneous tracks even if the corporate media has a hard time reporting and understanding.

Mon - 12 Sept - Iran, Iran, Iran!:   Major preparations now are underway to prepare the way for either forcing Iran to knuckle under to U.S. and Israel demands (less and less likely it appears) or to take Iran on and destroy it's capability to produce weapons of mass destruction (more and more likely it appears).  Just who is bluffing whom, and just what capabilities the various players actually have, and just ramifications would flow from a U.S. and/or Israeli attack on Iran are all matters for more serious contemplation than ever. 
    Oh yes, the resignation of the political hack appointee who until day was FEMA Director.  Rumors are swirling in Washington that Michael Brown got the job in the first place because of his long-time political fix-it tricks performed for Bush/Cheney; and that he was handled so gingerly by Bush ("Brownie, you're doing a great job!") and then allowed to quickly resign rather than be fired with expectations of keep his loyalty and surely of keeping his mouth shut.

Sun - 11 Sept
- Pentagon Readies Its New 'Useable' Nukes:
   Even as world leaders begin to arrive in New York for one of the greatest ever gatherings, even as the Americans demand the Irans stop their nuclear programs, even as the Israelis build more settlements and prepare their own nuclear forces, and on the very 9/11 memorial day, the American military has let it be known they are not only building a whole new generation of 'tactical' and 'useable' nuclear weapons, but they are preparing to 'preemptively' use them.  Such hypocrisy and double-standarrds may have worked for many years in the past, but now the price is beginning to be paid and the future looks bleaker than nearly everyone dares imagine.

   Also today, how interesting that 9/11 is also the day the Israelis decided to finally 'leave' Gaza -- even though they are amazingly leaving behind their synagogues to defy the Palestinians and so imprisoning the Palestinians inside Gaza ghetto/prison that even the 'Palestinian Authority' officials they pay for today refused to attend the departure ceremony which the Israelis had encouraged the world's media to beam far and wide.

Sun - 11 Sept
- Never Forget Is Universal Not Made In America:
   The U.S. government, the intertwined corporate mass media, and much of the American public are so good at remembering their own symbols and bloodshed -- be it Pearl Harbor, Gettysburg, the Minutemen, and now in our lifetimes 9/11.   But when it comes to remembering the much greater bloodshed and suffering of others -- even those whose catastrophes were brought about by themselves -- Americans are all too often crassly oblivous.   I'll skip the list today; we have to deal with it often enough.

Sat - 10 Sept - More U.S. Destruction at the U.N.:    The 9/11 anniversary and Katrina's wake will dominate American news this weekend; but of far more lasting consequence for entire world's future is what the Americans are doing at and to the U.N. quite literally this weekend and in the days ahead.   Leading Neocon warrior John Bolton is now at the U.N. -- uniquely unconfirmed by the Senate but 'recess' appointed anyway -- and he has wasted no time going about the destruction of much that the Secretary-General and major European allies have been working so hard to achieve.   Here's a guarded yet adequate summary of the situation, along with an earlier Wash Post editorial about 'Undiplomatic' Bolton.

Fri - 9 Sept
- The Pentagon's "Freedom Walk":
    Not much freedom for the Pentagon's Sunday 9/11 anniversary 'Freedom Walk'.  No public, no one not 'registered', no media, everyone behind fences and guarded by the entire National Park Service.   It's another case where the choise name bears little resemblance to the realities of the situation.  But the powers that be just don't seem to get it.   Read a little about it -- the Wash Post having withdrawn its endorsement and free advertising, but other big players in the Washington media playing the game as usual.

Fri - 9 Sept
- Never Forget At Home...but Not Abroad:
   Americans love to be told 'Never Forget' and to wrap themselves in the stars and stripes forever.    It's the fourth anniversary of 9/11 this weekend and from public tours at the Pentagon to memorials from morning to night Americans will be repeatedly told 'Never Forget' the 3000+ dead on that day.   But when it comes to others abroad and to what has happened and is still happening to them - from the Palestinians to the Afghanis, Iraqis, Chechnyans, et. al. - Americans are not only large unaware of the far greater sufferings others have been subjected to, including much bloodletting and suffering for which the Americans themselves are directly or indirectly responsible.   To others the message is whether stated so clearly or not, "Forget and Move On and trust us now".   Ironically as well this weekend's Pentagon "Freedom March" will take closed behind all kinds of barriers and with all kinds of quite unprecedented restrictions.
    Meanwhile, the Bush/Cheney regime raced ahead this week, sometimes just minutes in advance of what others in the 'opposition party' were planning, to set up their own Katrina investigations -- those who failed so badly are insisting they remain in charge of the investigations into their failures.  And here's what George's better half and the Republican Senate leader want Americans to think about how the the Katrina catastrophe was handled:

           "Overall it was a very good response...
"Across the
            board...very very well"
               - First Lady Laura Bush

           "We all know things didn't go perfectly..."
                                                - Senate Majority Leader Frist

           "So many of the people in the arenas here were
           underpriviledged anyway.  This is working very well
           for them."
                               - President Mother, Barbara Bush

Over the weekend I'll get back to the prescription Washington policy-wonks handed the anti-Americans at the New America conference earlier this week.

Thu - 8 Sept
- Show Every Body and Connect the Dots to Iraq:
   As Bush/Cheney/FEMA prepare for maybe more than 10,000 bodies from the Katrina disaster official Washington is running scared that as the waters recede constant images of hundreds and thousands of decomposing corpses will be seared into the American consciousness.  Even as the White House desperately attempts to stay in charge of the investigations into its own mismanagement, incompetence, and gross errors in resource allocation, steps are being taken to restrict access to the bodies and to pressure for a kind of 'respectful' censorship when it comes to body photos.  Underneath the gruesome daily images though is a far greater reality.  By putting nearly all the focus and attention on 'terrorism' -- that approach itself partially designed to keep the American public focused on such fears and thus willing to support the imperialist war policies of Iraq now and Iran next -- American society has been everywhere short-changed and the American future itself thrown into far more doubt than ever before.   Had just a few of the hundreds of billions of dollars and just some of the attention of government officials and the media not been so 'war on terrorism' one-dimensional there would have been time and attention paid to preventing the disaster that happened, one which was repeatedly in fact predicted and which all the public officials knew, or should have know, was not being properly prepared for.
Tomorrow:  If those fighting the U.S. were watching C-span or internet Wednesday they must have been gleefully cheering the prescription they were handed free of charge for what to do next to hurt America the most and set the whole world on fire.

Wed - 7 Sept - America's Centrist Imperialists Gather:   Craving the power they have lost to the Neocons and Evangelicals others within the American power structure are regathering using the catch-terms "Realists", "Values-Driven", "Off-Shoreists", et. al.  Of course they can smell the political blood in the water surrounding the Bush/Cheney regime and the scent of possibly taking real power in a few years is already in the fall post-Labor Day Washington air.   But at the end of the day, as they proved yesterday and today at the Capital Hilton a few blocks from the White House, they are also very much part of the American Imperial party.  Unlike the Neocons and Evangelicals they just take a little pride in being considerably more cerebral, much more internationalist, and what they think of as bi-partisan.   And so what's left of the 'moderate Republicans' teamed up this week with the mid-to-hard-line Democrats to produce a pre-911 anniversary two-day conference designed to push themselves more visibly onto the political scene.   It was a well-funded extravagenzy whose main purpose was to exploit C-Span coverage and international webcasting to let it be known that there is a new Washington think-tank in town known somewhat appropriately actually as the New America Foundation.   More on this to come...especially as it all relates to U.S. Middle East policies and the new big push to smoother and extinguish the Palestinian cause by forcing a quisling mini-state down their historically battered throats.

"It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security
and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the price we pay.  Nobody locally is happy that the levees
can’t be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us."   
                         New Orleans Times-Picayune Newspaper - 8 June 2004

NEW ORLEANS DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IRAQ That's quite a leap many will be thinking; and  certainly
don't expect the public officials, especially the Washington regime, to acknowledge the terrible errors of their
ways and the gross squandering and mismanagement of public resources.  But the facts and
the statistics are there if people want to connect the dots. 

Mon  - 5 Sept - America's Debacles at Home and Abroad:   60,000 heavily-armed toops now occupy New Orleans, including the 82nd Airborne, most recently the 'heroes' of Baghdad -- but where were they when they were so badly needed days ago?  In fact hardly few civilians are now left in New Orleans, and thanks to the poor planning and failure to properly protect the city when it was possible to do so, hardly anything is left in and of historic New Orleans as well.  Meanwhile the troops when they finally did come came more looking like military occupiers than relief workers...armed to the hilt it appears against a few gang members with a few rusting rifles and sidearms.   What terrible imagery the Americans continue to present to the world, and to their own as well.   Meanwhile in Iraq, where nearly $300 billion have now been squandered bringing primarily death, destruction, and neo-imperialism -- just a few of which could have prevented the New Orleans disaster which has turned out to be far greater in death and impact than all the terrorism ever perpetrated against the Americans both at home and abroad -- more thousands have died compliments of the  Americans just in the days since Katrina struck a long week ago.   And oh yes, let's not overlook global warming which the Americans have contributed so much to bringing about and which is surely a contributor to the terrible historic flooding throughout much of Europe this year and last, as well as to the growing number and strength of hurricanes now emerging from the warming Caribbean and Gulf waters.

Sun  - 4 Sept
- America's Disaster and Danger:
   Disaster in Beverly Hills or Connecticut Avenue Washington, D.C., would certainly not have been handled as it was in poor, black, ignored-for-years New Orleans.  Then after the inexplicable and inexcuseable 5-day delay what in the world was the National Guard doing entering this
natural disaster zone in its own backyard armed for combat as if the scene were Somalia or Bosnia or occupied Iraq.  Incompetent leadership, awful resource allocation mismanagement, gross lies and deceptions, a blood and money sink-whole in tortured Iraq, this is the real legacy of the Bush/Cheney/Neocon/Evangelical regime which still holds the reigns of power in the only world super power.  But for how much longer can this kind of terribly lead American Empire remain on top; and what will be the ramifications for Americans and for the world as this national weakening progresses with other nations, especially China and the EU on the rise?
Sat  - 3 Sept - Incompetence and Lies At the Highest Levels of Govt:   Thursday morning BlogWashington featured this quote and published it widely -- just as it appears below in BW dated 1 September; then yesterday morning BW highlighted the same quote just as it appears above in the BW banner and published it widely for all to contemplate and remember.  Finally last evening the same exact quote was featured nationwide on PBS.   
    But what wasn't featured as it should have been was the quote from the President of the United States insisting that "No one imagined the levees would break", reminiscent of his former National Security Adviser, now promoted to Secretary of State, shortly after 9/11 insisting "No one imagined that airplanes could be used like missiles like that."
    And yet in the past few years the government itself had done a major disaster exercise dubbed 'Hurricane Pam' almost exactly predicting what happened with Hurricane Katrina; and best-selling author Tom Clancy years ago wrote a popular novel, easily available for $9.95, featuring a Boeing jumbo jet crashing into the Congress during a State of the Union Speech. 
    But of course this is the same Administration that keeps insisting that all the attention and money for the Iraq War, and the fact that more than a third of the Louisiana National Guard is currently deployed there, have nothing to do with Americans being short-changed everywhere, with the big oil companies and arms merchants continually gouging  the country, and with the political leaders continually feeling the imperative to lie and cover up day after day, issue after issue. 
    Simply asked what the hell is wrong with the American people who keep allowing such leaders to speak and act as they do without being held to account for such gross misdeeds and blatant, continual lies?

Fri - 2 Sept
- AMERICANS Taste the Real World
"National Disgrace" indeed!  "Hell on Earth"...these the opening comments on the NBC Today Show this morning at 7am.    Cruel as it may be to articulate, Americans are unexpectedly getting a taste, and in many ways it is only a small taste, of what has been going on in other parts of the world for some time -- from natural flooding disasters in Bangladesh to human-made disasters in Iraq and Chechnya and Palestine.

"...the vast majority poor, black and Angry...  This city
now looks
more like Africa than America..."
            - Matt Frei, BBC, in New Orleans

"This is not Iraq, this is not Somalia, this is Home."
     -Martin Savage, NBC News

"Private Katrina has joined the global Jihad"
                       -Islamic website reported on MSNBC

And it is not being insensitive to the catastrophe of the moment to reflect that what has happened because of Hurricane Katrina
would be minor in comparison to the nuclear war that we have so far escaped or to Pandemic Flu which literally is threatening at the door or to decades in the future if the projections of Global Warming and Polar Icecap Meltdown prove to be accurate -- and we may well be already feeling the early effects.   Nor should we overlook for now, even in the midst of the Gulf Coast catastrophy still unfolding, that there has been considerable faulty planning and resource allocation on the part of the U.S. government -- all of which has at the least considerably exacerbated today's crisis.

Thu - 1 Sept
- BUSH Keeps Covering-Up and Dissembling
  On any normal day the fact that another thousand Iraqis got killed compliments of the American invasion/occupation -- this time just on one day -- or that for the first time in human history both Human and Chimp DNA had now been totally mapped out for comparison with untold possibilities from disease cures to future real human Frankensteins would have dominated the news.  But today's new coverage is anything but normal with New Orleans and gas prices trumping all.   Speaking about President Bush's 9-minute speech late yesterday after his little 'fly-over' of the hurricane devastation:

He also unleashed a torrent of facts and figures: "The Department of Transportation has provided more than 400 trucks to move 1,000 truckloads containing 5.4 million Meals Ready to Eat...13.4 million liters of water, 10,400 tarps, 3.4 million pounds of ice, 144 generators, 20 containers of pre-positioned disaster supplies, 135,000 blankets and 11,000 cots."   It was as if by piling so many disparate numbers so high he might be able to block out the two most significant numbers of all: the number of National Guardsmen unable to help out in Louisiana and Mississippi because they are deployed in Iraq, and the tens of millions of hurricane and flood-control dollars that
never made it to Lake Pontchartrain because they had been diverted to Iraq.   
      - Orina Huffington, Huffington Post, 1 Sept    

Oriana is right in concept, as usual, but way off when it comes to the numbers.  We'e not talking about misallocation of 'tens of millions' when it comes to accounting for all that has been pumped into the Iraq war and overall into the blotted military-industrial complex machine -- thus diverted from real and basic homeland security issues including flood controls, disaster prevention and relief, alleviation of poverty, promotion of education, national healthcard.   We're talking about tens of billions, and over some years in fact hundreds of billions.   Americans are being everwhere now short-changed, mislead, lied to, and dupped by their leaders.  And the real huge and historic price for such terrible misallocations and gross deception will only become evident in the years ahead...and now probably not that far ahead.

Thu - 1 Sept
  That's quite a leap many will be thinking; and certainly don't expect the public officials, especially the Washington regime, to acknowledge the terrible errors of their ways and the gross  squandering and mismanagement of public resources.  But the facts and the statistics are there if people want to connect the dots. 

"It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security and
the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the price we pay.  Nobody locally is happy that the levees  can’t be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us.
                       Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
New Orleans Times-Picayune, 8 June 2004

    With nearly $300 billion now having been spent to invade, occupy, and essentially destroy Iraq -- and with more money now flowing to the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex than even during the cold war -- the public sectors of America are being short-changed time and again, over and over, issue after issue.  
     If less than 1% of just the Iraq war costs had been allocated to New Orleans, a city which has been continually begging  Washington for funds to improve the well-known inadequate levee systems that protected the city, the tremendous loss of life and the untold billions in property damage and nation-wide economic consequences now sufferenced could have been and should have been prevented.  
     But as I said don't expect the politicians to admit the terrible errors of their ways, the gross mismanagement of public resources, the abominable mistakes that have been made and lies they have been told.   And don't expect the corporate mass media -- itself interwined with and largely dependent on the largess of the military-industrial-corporate complex -- to seriously and properly connect the dots either.
      If and when the Pandemic Flu hits -- which top scientists have been warning for years is all but inevitable now -- and millions die with untold consequences for American society and international relations, it will be another case of having squandered hundreds of billions for the wrong things while the alternative allocation of those billions could have, should have, saved large numbers of lives and greatly strengthened the basic fabric and textue of American society.  
     In the Reagan years proper emergency funding could have significantly lessened the AIDs epidemic; but now an amazing 1 in 20 citizens in the national capital, in Washington D.C. itself, are infected with HIV!    Decades from now others will look back and lament how the Americans wasted trillions of dollars on imperial adventures -- on war and destruction -- even as they criminally allowed global warming to become irreversible,  the polar ice cap to melt leading to catastrophic new weather patterns, both world and national poverty to increase, the social infracture to crumble, political an social poliarization to reach unprecedented proportions, and, in all likelihood, a Pandemic Flu to ravage Americans and humanity in the year 20??.   
     Had such huge amounts of money and human energy been properly, thoughtfully, and honestly spent in preventive ways and for anticipatory preparations for what was known to be coming much of what has now happened, and much of what is likely to soon happen, could have and should have been prevented.   In the future they will look back and lament how they could have made all the difference by choosing to focus their attention and spend their recourses and energies on other things; but they we did not...

Washington, modern-day Rome, has evolved since World War II into an amazingly hubristic, nationalistic, militaristic, and politically incestuous corporate  town.   The two parties that control the capital continually hand out considerable favors and financial rewards to themselves and partners -- dealing ostracism, vilification, and punishment to everyone else who won't sing the same jingoistic tunes.  When it comes to foreign policy issues the two parties can now be considered in reality a fairly unified Imperial Party pursuing with crusading zealotry a worldwide Manifest Destiny-inspired  ideology.    BlogWashington's daunting task is to dissect, unravel, and indeed just plain explain to non-Washingtonians crucial bits and pieces of what's really going on this world capital -- realities you certainly will not find dealt with candidly and honestly by the big corporate newspapers or commercial Television Networks.

Mark A. Bruzonsky
NYU Law School - JD, Root-Tilden Scholar  /
Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs, Princeton Univ - MPA

Past Associations:
  Washington Rep World Jewish Congress  /   Ed Worldview Magazine (New York)  /   Ed Middle East Magazine (London)
  Middle East Consultant - Woodrow Wilson Inter Center for Scholars Smithsonian., National Geographic, Congressional Quarterly
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