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Washington's Realities Illuminated and Exposed

"I've never heard anyone who has made this stuff as clear as you...    It was like
had just opened the windows and  the light came pouring in."  
                                                                                      Keith Morrison - host of CANADA AM, now with Dateline NBC -

  Two headlines this week illustrate the debased nature of the current American political system.  The information is in the headlines; but not the vital analysis and conclusions herewith.  
    Last week the top execs of the multinational oil companies, literally swimming in the big money more than ever, appeared on Capitol Hill for 'testimony'.   They manipulated their way so that they would not raise their hands, swear, and be under oath -- as did the infamous tobacco company execs years ago.  Then they proceeded to distort and obfuscate and lie, time after time, issue after issue, including insisting they were not involved in a very controversial energy-policy task-force undertaken by V-P Cheney some years back. 
     Today, on the front page of the Washington Post the testimony of the oil company execs is largely discredited!   But in today's Washington people are so numbed, the lies are so numerous and blatant, the institutions so weakened and blackened, with nearly everyone on the take or co-opted in one way or another, so that there is usually no recourse.   We no longer have government by and for the people, we have a corrupted system of government by the puppets and husslers for the puppeteers and the super-rich.  OK, not the best of slogans...but the best I can come up with at the moment.
    Meanwhile, Senator Hillary, running ever hard to be President Hillary, crossed the line between political twisting and political whoring when in Israel in recent days.  Brought there for the 'Saban Forum' -- Haim Saban by the way a close friend of Ariel Sharon, believed to be a dual citizen, and one of the leading multi-million financiers to the Democratic Party as well as to the Clintons and their many causes -- Hillary went way out of her way to go directly against the near unanimous ruling of the International Court of Justice and actually endorsed the building of the apartheid wall.   It was a crass and blatant sell-out which caused a long-time Washington insider to sum it all up in one word - 'whore'.  
    Meanwhile as well husband Bill was busy making half-assed comments that the Iraq War was the 'greatest mistake' but never uttering one word about how it was the Israelis and their cabal of Jewish Zionist neocons who were the primary forces that pushed the U.S. into the Iraqi invasion/occupation with false 'intelligence', massive propaganda, and so much political pushing and shoving -- including pushing around all those Democratic Senators who voted for the war even though now some of them say they were against it if only they had known....   Of course just a few years ago it was Bill Clinton giving speeches from the Oval office sounding too much like George W after him -- but Bill forgets as soon as the political winds blow from another direction.

Washington Crisis - Failed and Dangerous Regime Clings to Power
 Report: Bush rarely speaks to father, ‘family is split’

TUE - 15 Nov - Bush Frying:   Washington is all abuzz, just under the surface, with one story after another about an abandoned, isolated, betrayed, bunkering President.  Add to this stories of drinking, raging, shouting...   On sale at the check-out counter at Washington foodstores is The Globe with this unusual Bush's Secret Breakdown cover-story to the left.   Other insider-websights have been carrying similar features from 'anonymous' sources for some time now.   On Sunday the magazine associated with Washington's conservative Washington Times newspaper went with a lead story from which the following is quoted, the picture below used on the front page of the paper a few days before:

    "President Bush feels betrayed by several of his most senior aides and advisors and has severely restricted access to the Oval Office, INSIGHT magazine claims in a new report.

The president’s reclusiveness in the face of relentless public scrutiny of the U.S.-led war in Iraq and White House leaks regarding CIA operative Valerie Plame has become so extreme that Mr. Bush has also reduced contact with his father, former President George H.W. Bush, administration sources said on the condition of anonymity.
“The atmosphere in the Oval Office has become unbearable,” a source said. “Even the family is split.”
Sources close to the White House say that Mr. Bush has become isolated and feels betrayed by key officials in the wake of plunging domestic support, the continued insurgency in Iraq and the CIA-leak investigation that has resulted in the indictment and resignation of Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s former chief of staff.
The sources said Mr. Bush maintains daily contact with only four people: first lady Laura Bush, his mother, Barbara Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes. The sources also say that Mr. Bush has stopped talking with his father, except on family occasions."  

Fallujah to Amman
Great Terror Breeds Little Terror - From Fallujah to Amman

MON - 14 Nov - Terror Breeds Terror: 
  The information is there, starting at the top on the front page of the Washington Post today.  But as usual on such sensitive matters connecting the dots is left to the reader, something few can do on their own.  On the vast scale of things the terrible terror wrought on the city of Fallujah a year ago this month was far more dastardly with far more carnage that what happened in Amman last Friday.  But that's not the way the disingenous American politicians played it; nor the way the all-too-compliant media did as well.   But if one reads beyond the front page one finds that the purported 4th bomber, the woman wife, had her brother killed last year in Fallujah in one of the most dastardly assaults on any city anywhere since World War II.   It was a modern-day Quernica, maybe worse -- the city in Spain Picasso so importalized with his haunting painting.   And now the great terror of 2004 has bred the ongoing little terror of 2005, and hardly just in Amman last Friday.

FLASH!    Mustapha Akkad and Daughter Both Now Dead
from Amman bombings - see 10 November. 
Akkad will be buried in Aleppo, Syria today

Are you out of sync with your people?

                                                                                        Meet The Press Host Tim Russert questioning King Abdullah of Jordan

SUN - 13 Nov - Bush on the Run: 
  It was one of those TV moments where the question itself, regardless of the answer, is so telling.  There sat King Abdullah II, with his British mannerisms and Georgetown University ways, trying to exploit the Amman bombings for whatever p.r. gain he could manage.   He sent his articulate and attractive wife, solo, to the ABC network as he did NBC.  But he was reduced to questionning one of the most respected polling organiations, Pew, when challenged that the great majority of Jordanians disdain the U.S., literally hate President Bush, and by a majority support 'suicide bombings' against the occupying powers -- to mean both the U.S. and Israel.  More telling in a sense there was hardly a word from either Abdullah or his queen on what lay behind what is now happening, of the terrible apartheid realities imposed on the Palestinians, and of the first anniversary of the Fallujah massacre which appears to have brought on the Amman bombings on year later.

President Bush and his national security adviser have answered

critics of the Iraq war in recent days with a two-pronged argument:
that Congress saw the same intelligence the administration did
before the war, and that independent commissions have determined
that the administration did not misrepresent the intelligence.
Neither assertion is wholly accurate.
                                               Washington Post, Page 1, today

SAT - 12 Nov - Bush on the Run:   Bush choose Veterans Day yesterday to lash out more harshly than ever at all those who have been chastising him, especially with regard to the false propaganda that was used to justify the Iraq invasion/occupation.   Bush is on the run.  And this isn't just about normal politics and the mid-term 2006 election, now less than a year ahead.  Bush is playing an increasingly exhausting game of defense; with the political opposition not only continually on the offensive but making considerable inroads in turning the public still further against Bush/Cheney.  Indeed Bush's rasputin-like 'cabal'-leading VP is even more unpopular than he, and he is at the lowest ever for a second-term President since President Nixon, and before him VP Spiro Agnew, who were both forced from office back in 1973.   As previously discussed here the political blood in the water now is already far more than normal and should things continue to deteriorate for Bush/Cheney impeachment is no longer just a chant-word.  THAT is what explains the gloves off speech from the President yesterday -- he knows that if his defense doesn't pick up and the other side keeps on scoring his already failed Presidency could also become an abbreviated one.
    Today, by the way, marks the 10th anniversary of the Rabin Assassination, yesterday the first of the Arafat 'Stealth Assination'.  Bill and Hillary are there for Rabin.  And though Arafat was the most frequent foreign guest to the Clinton White House, they had nothing to say nor paid any attention to the grand 'old man' of the Palestinian struggle nor to the great poisons which have spread so far and wide from the ongoing Israeli-U.S.-Palestinian-Arab confrontation...or should we now refer to it as conflagration.

Sulzberger Should Go Along With Miller

FRI - 11 Nov - New York Times Cover-Up and Duplicity:   Watching New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger interviewed for the hour on the PBS Charlie Rose program last evening was enough to bring on a kind of journalistic and intellectual nausea.  Like the FEMA chief, Michael Brown, after his disastrous attempts on TV to cover-up his mistakes Sulzberger should also now go -- though as the representative of the owning family he probably will not.  Sulzberger had already overseen major errors by his newspaper -- and those were bad enough.  Then he had strolled arm and arm with not-yet discredited reporter Judith Miller on her way from jail to grand jury testimony.   Now his continual attempts to cover-up coupled with his continual twisting of facts, issues, and personalities, should be the occasion for Mr. Sulzberger to put the integrity and future of the family newspaper, America's greatest newspaper of record, ahead of everything else.  And the way for him to do so is to find some graceful way to 'retire' himself...not just Ms. Miller.    Whatever, the veracity and credibility of the New York Times itself are now seriously damaged for some time to come, especially when it comes to issues relating to the Middle East, Israel, and basic journalistic truth-telling.   As for the Iraq War scandal, WMD, and the Judy Miller/Ahmed Chalabi 'entanglement" a big ship, like an old 'gray lady', the NYTimes takes a long time to turn even if it continually claims otherwise...

Flash:  The famous Arab American file-maker, Mustapha Akkad, is said to be among the injured in Amman  and
his daughter may have been killed.  Akkad has been trying unsuccessfully for years to raise funds in the Arab
world for a historic movie about Saladin.  As the producer
of  'Halloween', 'Mohamed Messinger of God', and 'The Lion of the Desert', Akkad has both unprecedented talent and credibility.  Seems however the 'client-regimes' of today's Arab world are afraid even to promote their own history, worrying no doubt how they will appear in comparison.

Palestinian Debacle in Washington
New Palestinian 'Ambassador', Afif Safiya, Acts Deaf and Dumb

THU - 10 Nov - New Palestinian 'Ambassador' plays deaf and dumb:   Any real 'Ambassador' that represented any real and self-respecting government (which sadly the 'Palestinian Authority' is certainly not) would find himself recalled if not dismised for gross incompetence.  But after Hassan Rahman people in Washington are so use to deaf and dumb 'official' Palestinian representatives, on top of such a complacent, compliant, and mediocre Arab media, that Afif Safiya is praised by his little incestuous group rather than condemned.  Safiya follows in the dastardly 20-year footsteps of Rahman who so terribly misrepresented the Palestinians in Washington for so long.  
     So there he sat silently in the audience yesterday afternoon, Safiya that is, as the last panel of the Middle East Institute debated the future of his people and the 'peace process' Safiya has so often fronted for and personally benefited from.   Well, 'debated' isn't quite the right term.   All four of the people on the panel in the auditorium of the National Press Club, including the moderator, a former Congressman, who came from Brooklyn to preside, were Jews.  In fact all four were distinctly  Jewish Zionists differing primarily with what kind of emphasis they used to blame the Palestinian victims for their oh-so-tragic predicament. 
     No use protesting about any of this to the Middle East Institute.  MEI has been afraid of its own shadow for so long now, trying so hard to stay on the right side of the Israeli-Jewish lobby that a few years back they actually gave the keynote floor to the notorious Bernard Lewis -- this year it was the former head of the Saudi CIA now in Washington as Saudi Ambassador (see yesterday).   It's the miserably inept and incompetent Palestinian representation in Washington that allows such things to happen; and this latest disaster was in a sense Safiya's coming out party here. 
     Just as this final panel was about to begin came word of the worst anti-American anti-Israeli anti-Hashemite attacks ever in Amman, Jordan.

New Saudi Ambassador's Inaugural Address
Dems On The Rebound

WED - 9 Nov - Saudis Bow:    Ambassador Bandar bin Sultan is gone after more than 20 years.  There was not even a single mention of him by anyone as the new Saudi Ambassador, the old head of the Saudi CIA Turki Al-Faisal, gave his inaugural Washington address.  It was the  keynote address at the Middle East Institute yesterday morning at the National Press Club a few blocks from the White House.   In substance and style it was an amazing bow to the powers that be -- a speech that could have been written by White House speech writers, in fact, in most aspects, by Israeli speech writers.  But then the long-corrupted and co-opted Al-Saud regime is on the run and knows very well that it has to count on the American CIA and ultimately the American military to keep it in power.  And that requires not only knuckling under to Washington, it also means staying on the right side of the powerful Israeli/Jewish lobby that still dominates U.S. foreign policy-making when it comes to the Middle East.
   Meanwhile, the elephant in the legal closet, Presidential 'Pardon' power, that I've focused on before -- the issue that is key to what is likely to happen in the end with regard to 'Scooter' Libby and by extension VP Cheney -- has now been brought forward in a bigger way than ever by the Democrats, just as they showed their muscle by taking the Governor races in both Virginia and New Jersey yesterday.

Imperialist Class Gathers To Lament Shrinking Empire
Middle East Institute 'Strikes Again' (tongue in check of course)

TUE - 8 Nov - Brzezinski's 4-part formula to shore up the Empire:   
America's imperialist class gathered last evening - it was the 59th annual banquet of the Middle East Institute, a kind of retirement home for fading State Department and oil company hacks, with a sprinkling of Arab 'client regime' Ambassadors, p.r. agents, and Council on Foreign Relations types.   The tables bore the names of the military-industrial complex from Raytheon to Exxon-Mobil with the on-the-take Arab 'client regimes' out for the evening of mingling -- you know the ones, the Royal Saudis and the Kuwaitis in the lead.  The new Palestinian 'Ambassador' Afif Safiya was there along with 'the other Judith', long-time multi-agent Judith Kipper now doing her hustling under CFR's banner.  The Israelis have never been directly involved with the MEI crowd -- these guys after all are the 'Arabists' -- but they've had MEI under control and far out-flanked for a long time now and don't have to bother much with this bunch.   You can tell these days in Washington who's powerful and important, and even though this group does have some fading luminaries and even a very few of today's powerful -- the Saudi Ambassador for instance who gives the keynote address today -- there were no 'security' checks and the enthusiasm level was more akin to that of a evening in a home for the aged.   Not even any real unscripted questions form the audience for Dr. Brzezinski, the cerebral mello-toned former National Security Adviser (Carter years) dinner speaker -- just note cards passed up to the MEI President (always a retired State Department Ambassador by the way) for filtering. God forbid anyone might even try to lull this bunch out of their stupor.

Vice-President McCain?
Cheney's camp is a "shrinking island"  - State Department official, Wash Post today

MON - 7 Nov - Cheney Sinking:   Many will dismiss such talk as just gossipy and/or way out there.  But here in Washington there is a certain subterranian quality to reality, especially at critical times.  The notion that VP Cheney might have to go -- for a combination of political, legal, and p.r. reasons -- and that Bush might bring on partial nemesis John McCain to try to 'save' his Presidency is actually a real possibility now.   Cheney, far some time more unpopular than Bush who himself is now way down there, has taken on a kind of drip drip quality.
Day after day, scandal after scandal, so many negative things have Dick Cheney attacked to them.   The key Washington scandals -- from his Chief of Staff 'Scooter' now under indictment,  to IRAQGate with all the lies and sub-plots, to the torture fiascos of Abu Ghraib et. al, to the Neocon 'cabal' -- all are tracing back to the VP.  Just today, as the President in Panama insists against credulity "We do not torture" the Washington Post has a top front-page Cheney-focused story about the VP's personal crusade to continue to allow the CIA to pursue 'black ops' and what everyone else in the world knows to be torture, whatever rhetoric twists are used to smokescreen these realities.  As for Bush, his attempts to deny torture are reminiscent of Reagan's attempts to deny Iran-Contra, the scandal which eventually forced the Gipper to shake up his second-term big time.
    Meanwhile John McCain has positioned himself right where he wants to be.  He orchestrated the Senate's 90-9 vote to totally outlaw torture, with VP Cheney fighting him every step of the way and even getting Bush to issue a rare veto-threat that further exposed the President on this lose-lose issue.  The man who was opposition party John Kerry's first choice for VP, the man who has been manuevering to be top dog for years already, now has another road that may open for him.  For should McCain ome in and help 'save' the Bush Presidency the nomination that would otherwise be denied him by the Republican extremist wing, would be his in 2008.  McCain will of course keep denying and denying that he's interested in being VP.  But in 2008 he will be 72, and this is in all likelihood his last shot at the White House.  So if and when the offer finally comes from the Oval Office itself McCain will step up to the plate with that boyish falsely immodest grin and declare it his patriotic duty to accept.  Meanwhile he's doing all he can to manuever such a situation into being, though of course Washington political protocol demands he never admit it.
Targeting Cheney for Indictment and Bush for Impeachment

SUN - 6 Nov - Targets Cheney and Bush - Impeachment Fever:   Those who hold official power positions in Washington can't and won't say so for attribution, but what is happening is Washington now is the targeting of the two top men empowered in December 2000 by the 5-4 Supreme Court vote -- Richard Cheney and George Bush.  It's an under the table game at this point, but it's very real and all the key players know what the real stakes have become.   Cheney himself, not Libby, is the target for indictment in CIAGate/IRAQGate -- it is he who is really at the top of Patrick Fitzgerald's legal investigation, though he will never say so.  But Watergate-era White House counsel John Dean can, and just has.   And Bush himself is now the potential impeachment target of the activist wing of the Democratic party though no one speaking for the party will ever say so at this point.    The scenario goes something like this:  Rove and Cheney could be forced under or out by the ongoing Fitzgerald investigation and.or the trial of 'Scooter' Libby.   They were both key players in the Iraq Group whose  purpose was to manipulate and misrepresent in order to make politically doable the Iraq invasion/occupation.   Meanwhile, as evidence of what was done in 2001 and 2002 seeps into public view, as the credibility of the Bush/Cheney regime continues to deteriorate, as Democrats rebound in the 2006 election (which is why the poll numbers above are so significant), the political stage will then be set for charging the Neocon/Evangelical Adminstration with historic deceit justifying the bringing of a bill of impeachment in the new House that first convenes 14 months from now.  And if one thinks back to what brought about the impeachment of Bill Clinton it is rather hard to deny that what Bush and his have done is far more serious and culpable than what Clinton did.

"Carrying signs comparing Bush to Adolph Hitler, the protestors chanted in
unison as they filed into the stadium:  'Bush the fascist!  Bush the terrorist! 

 ...'If we are united, we can defeat imperialism and create a better life'" Hugo Chavez told the crowd.
                                          Wash Post, 5 Nov

SAT - 5 Nov - Bush/Cheney under seige at home and abroad:    The Americans love to call it 'Free Trade', but it's really all about American coporate domination.  They love to call call it the 'MiddleEast Peace Process' but that too is really all about domination and plunder.   The sloganeerists like Karl Rove and the Propaganda Departments stretching from the State Department to the false-flag think-tanks like the 'U.S. Institute of Peace' work ever-so-hard to mask reality with such deceptive rhetorical flourishes.   Even so the backlash against 'Free Trade' has been growing and was evident again in the past few days on the streets of the fourth Summit of the Americas in Argentina.  The backlash against the 'Middle East Peace Process' is much more convoluted but was most strikingly exhibited in the past in Tehran in 1979, in Beirut in 1983, and of course on the day known as 9-11 and what is taking place today in Iraq.   Here at home as well Americans are finally coming to understand the duplicity of all the double-talk, deceptions, and outright lies, a growing majority in fact now saying in public their President nad government lack honesty and truthworthiness  -- but this is primarily with regard to domestic issues and things that affect affect most Americans directly in their pocketbook.

"The degree of misunderstanding between the Islamic and Western
worlds remains dangerously high...  The need for the two to live and
work together in our increasingly interdependent world has never been greater."
                                                  - Prince Charles back in 1993

FRI - 4 Nov - The PRINCE and the PAUPER:   Karl Rove was missing from the glittering dinner guest list Wednesday evening.   But hundreds of protestors were outside the White House screaming "President Bush, where is your vision?  President Bush, where is your compassion" as inside George and Laura hosted Charles and Camilla...the ghost of Diana impossible to forget along with her Travolta dance of yesteryear, not to mention her near-Muslim second marriage.  And though he has been right all along for so long about the great environmental dangers as well as the dangerous Islam/West 'misunderstanding', the Prince of Wales had nothing to say on these most important of subjects during his Washington visit -- not wanting to offend his host of course or to upset his Prime Minister Tony Blair back home.   Maybe worst of all though, because of dinner with Charles and Camilla George Bush wasn't at his TV at 8pm Wednesday to watch the PBS special about global warming -- for which he and his are so culpable.  Before 9-11 some of us were already way down on Bush/Cheney for how they bungled both Kyoto and Durban -- the first to begin to deal with global warming, the second with global hatreds.  Now true, PBS is coming a little late to this party and pulling the really needed biggest of punches -- PBS is no BBC, especially having been partially castrated in recent years.  But if only George would have been squeezing his remote and eating more pretzels rather than buffalo (for those who have forgotten, again back before 9-11, insider rumor has it the Pres was watching football, drinking a bit, and the choking pretzel excuse was necessitated by the facial wounds resultant from his fall upon passing out).  The PBS documentary could have been such an eye-opening for George...   Now have I nothing good to say about those who so badly misrule in Washington these days? the same glittering dinner minus Karl Rove there was the VP's lesbian daughter and she was allowed to bring her female friend date -- good for them on that one at least.  Their 'Evangelical' base only fidgets and whispers about this one.

THU - 3 Nov -THE DANGER NUMBERS:  Karl Rove, the 'Architect', may have to move at least somewhat aside even if he continues to escape the legal bullet.  Rove's 'Security Clearance' is also now at issue.  Bush, and Rove himself, may be looking for a wrist-slap that can be packaged as something more.  In a sense Rove built the Bush/Cheney house to withstand any normal political Hurricane.  But now the current regime ('cabal' former insiders have said in public, much worse in private) is aware preparations need be made for the possible category 4 and 5s that do sometimes sweep through Washington.  Not since the Nixon second-term in fact has a President faced more depressing poll numbers; and CIAGate could still expand into IRAQGate.   Just 35% of the public approves of Bush, just 19% of Cheney, and when you ask Blacks the startling figure is, believe it or not, just 2%!    The Republican Congress gets just 34% and the number of those who think the Iraq war was worth it is now down to 31%.   The official opposition, the Dems, are tring to figure out just what to do about all usual they are testing the waters over and over, adjusting as they go...  And if you want to snicker abit just read this insider's account, 'Mad About You', about how the Senators are treating each other while stumbling bumbling all over themselves...

Bio Weapon Fears Also Behind All the Billions for Bird Flu?
  "It is okay to cover the circus, but you cannot sleep with the elephants!" -
Judith Miller's former NYTimes Editor

Pressures sure to grow on Rove and Cheney
Libby will await Pardon....just as Abrams et. al. did before him in Reagan/Bush Admin.

George Bush believes he is on a mission from God, according to the politician Nabil Shaath. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/AP"In my Administration we will ask not only what is
legal but what is right, not just what the lawyers
allow but what the public deserves."
George W. Bush - Campaign 2000

Wed - 2 Nov - THE ROAD AHEAD IN WASHINGTON AT WAR:    Here's what's ahead now in Washington at war. And while reading this laugh a little about Republican-Neocon-Evangelical America.   The 'nuclear option' now looms large, with explosion likely soon into the New Year literally paralyzing Washington when and if it occurs.  Preventing just this political armageddon was why the Senatorial "gang of14" got together at the last moment some months ago when facing contentious Circuit Court judge confirmations.  Now the stakes are much higher; and the regime in power much weaker, and the mid-term 2006 elections beginning to overshadow all.

“This Administration manufactured and manipulated
Intelligence in order to sell the war In Iraq”
                    Senator Harry Reid - 1 Nov

   As for CIAGate/IRAQGate -- exposed further today on the top of page 1 of the Washington Post for its secret gulag -- here's what to expect.  Libby will delay as long as he can protecting Bush/Cheney as much as he can.   Prosecutor Fitzgerald will try to go forward as quickly as he can and as publicly as he can, refusing to plea bargain with Libby unless Libby will cough up what he knows -- i.e., stop throwing sand in the eyes of the investigators.  All indications are that Libby will not relent precisely because his whole cause has been and remains to protect Cheney, Rove/Bush, and all the secrets that only the Iraq Group knows and which if told would expose and incriminate themselves.
     Meanwhile pressures will continue to grow on Rove and Cheney, especially if public under-oath testimony approaches.  Along the way who knows what documents or emails might leak out, what legal cards Prosecutor Fitzgerald may have to play, or who just might blow the whistle.  Colin Powell for instance could, but he has saluted power all his life and even with his aides already doing so he is unlikely to step forward.
   The wild card in all this is the Pardon prerogative of the President.  And it is the final reason Libby will probably fall on his sword attempting to be acquitted by jury but accepting his prison fate if he must.  Both the President and the VP have already signaled the pardon eventuality with all of their effusive praise for 'Scooter' the day he resigned.   And the model for this drma is what happened as a result of the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan second term.   In the Bush father first term pardons were handed down to the former Secretary of Defense, Cap Weinberger, and four other officials including Elliott Abrams.  Mr. Abrams was indicted for lying to Congress.  He was pardoned when Bush Sr. became President; leaving open the distinct possibility that had Bush lost to Dukakis Reagan would have done the pardoning himself just before leaving office.   Abrams, by the way, was brought back to power heading up Middle East affairs in the National Security Council of Condi Rice by none other than Bush/Cheney, with none other than 'Scooter' Libby orchestrating the resurrection just as he had done as lawyer for fugitive Mossad-man Marc Rich, rather mysteriously pardoned by Bill Clinton in his final hours as President.
     Oh yes, I did say yesterday, as well as may times in the past, that there was still much more about Judith Miller.  So read this one from a former New York Times colleague who had to go his own way.  And catch in particular this quote directed to Miller by a former Editor --
"It is okay to cover the circus, but you cannot sleep with the elephants" -- along with the various allusions to the rather dillettantish publisher of the Times who has courted and protected Miller all along.  And then recall how I've for some time pointed to Judy's additional personal and ideological 'entanglements' with key operatives associated with the Israeli-Jewish lobby and the Mossad -- matters that are now so badly in deed of deep and serious investigation and revelation.

“This Administration manufactured and manipulated Intelligence in order to sell the war in Iraq.”
                                                       - Senator Reid

Fully half of Americans now believe Bush purposefully lied to bring about the Iraq invasion/occupation. 
About 60% believe the Iraq War was 'Not Worth It'.  And 42% believe if the President lied about the war he should be impeached.

Libby-Wolfowitz-Abrams-Feith-Mossad-Chalabi-Israelis > Iraq War
Miller-Mylroie-Near East Institute-AIPAC-AEI-Perle/Frum/Wolfowitz > Iraq War

  Tue - 1 Nov - CONNECTING THE BIG DOTS:    As usual when it comes to the American corporate mass media certain of the most controversial subjects and realities are smoke-screened and stone-walled, too hot to handle so to speak.  A top Assistant to the President has just been indicted as hasn't happened since the days of President Andrew Jackson.  The deputy Chief of Staff and political Rasputin of the Bush/Cheney White House has been fingered as rarely before, though so far he has just barely dogged the legal bullet.  
     Now among other things  'Scooter' Libby is known for his extraordinarily close connections to leading American Jewish Zionist Neocons who themselves were the primary workhorses who brought about the Iraq invasion/occupation.  They in turn are known for their extraordinarily close connections to the Israelis, especially to Ariel Sharon, and for their unrelenting efforts to upend the 'Oslo peace process'.  And as was first reported in BW earlier this month just before joining the Bush Administration Lewis 'Scooter' Libby was the attorney for fugitive and Mossad-connected Marc Rich, mysteriously pardoned by Bill Clinton literally as he departed the White House to attend the Bush inaugural.  
    And yet, so far, the corporate mass media totally refuses to investigate the Mossad/Israeli role in bringing about the Iraq War, all the false 'intelligence' about Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the interconnections between key Israelis and numerous U.S. government officials starting at the top with Wolfowitz, Feith, Abrams (pictured to the right) and Libby.
    One of the best short summaries of who it was that brought about the disastrous Iraq Invasion/Occupation was published by Professor Juan Cole at last Friday.  This telling excerpt:

    Most of the members of Cheney's inner circle were neoconservative ideologues, who combined hawkish American triumphalism with an obsession with Israel. This does not mean that the war was fought for Israel, although it is undeniable that Israeli concerns played an important role. The actual motivation behind the war was complex, and Cheney's team was not the only one in the game. The Bush administration is a coalition of disparate forces -- country club Republicans, realists, representatives of oil and other corporate interests, evangelicals, hardball political strategists, right-wing Catholics, and neoconservative Jews allied with Israel's right-wing Likud party. Each group had its own rationale for going to war with Iraq.
     Bush himself appears to have had an obsession with restoring family honor by avenging the slight to his father produced by Saddam's remaining in office after the Gulf War. Cheney was interested in the benefits of a war to the oil industry, and to the military-industrial complex in general. It seems likely that the Iraq war, which produced billions in no-bid contracts for the company he headed in the late 1990s, saved Halliburton from bankruptcy. The evangelicals wanted to missionize Iraqis. Karl Rove wanted to turn Bush into a war president to ensure his reelection. The neoconservatives viewed Saddam's Iraq as a short-term danger to Israel, and in the long term, they hoped that overthrowing the Iraqi Baath would transform the entire Middle East, rather as Kamal Ataturk, who abolished the offices of Ottoman emperor and Sunni caliph in the 1920s, had brought into being a relatively democratic Turkey that was allied with Israel. (This fantastic analogy was suggested by Princeton emeritus professor and leading neoconservative ideologue Bernard Lewis.) This transformation would be beneficial to the long-term security of both the United States and Israel.

    There are some other connections that need investigating as well.  Judith Miller, the 'Woman of Mass Destruction' who through the pages of the NYTimes acted as a propaganda lobbying firm for the Iraq war has some hitherto univestigated connections to the Israelis and maybe to the Mossad as well.   Back in 1990 Miller wrote a book with the notorious Laurie Mylroie about Saddam Hussein and Iraq -- Mylroie is one of the Jewish lobbies darlings long associated with the AIPAC created Near East Institute as well as Wolfowitz-Feith-Perle and AEI.   More to come.....

"There will be no one to the right of Alito on the Court...
No one on the conservative base can be unhappy with Sam Alito..."

Mon - 31 Oct - GOING NUCLEAR WASHINGTON:  That's what NBC commentator Jonathan Turley had to say this morning in the hour before President Bush's formal announcement of the nomination of arch-conservative Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.    We're all now headed to the major ideological fight the far right-wing and Evangelicals have been salivating to bring about for years.   Now it's here.  So the political 'nuclear option' now looms heavy with a dangerously polarized nation, a very weakened Bush-Cheney Administration, a  public trial of 'Scooter' Libby threatened, a deteriorating war in Iraq, and potentially explosive conflict with Syria, Iran and North Korea still very much on the Neocon agenda.

Rosa Parks Lies In State Tonight
Resistance Is Not Always Futile

<>Sun - 30 Oct - The first woman ever lies in State in Washington in the Rotunda of the Capital today.  She held no office, had no money, had to flee her home in Alabama after her simple act of resistance -- staying seated on a bus in segregationist 1955 rather than getting up for a white man.  Her arrest sparked the American civil rights movement, launched Martin Luther King's career, changed the constitutional law and the norms of her country with much impact on the whole world.   A totally unpresumptuous woman of principle and dignity now honored in a Washington where there are few like her including the 29 other Americans who before her have shared this ultimate tribute in death -- lying in state on Capitol Hill tonight and tomorrow.   

Archives 2005:   July   Aug    Sept     Oct

While the crusading Americans, always closely coordinating wit the Israelis, prepare for more bombings, invasions, and regime changes in more countries that make up the Arab and Muslim worlds other domestic steps are being taken masked by other professed concerns.  True Bird Flu is a signficant risk; but also true the Bush/Cheney regime are taking the steps they are taking in order to also prepare for possible bacteriological counter-attacks from North Korea or al  Qaeda connected or inspired groups.  True while there is more danger from killer Hurricanes ahead the Bush/Cheney regime is using that danger to push for new laws expanding the scope and powers of the Pentagon to interfere with traditional civil liberties and division of police powers.



     In Newsweek this week filmstar Jennifer Aniston had the following to say when asked about the state of things:  "How about that indictment?! And why did it take so long to respond to the crisis in New Orleans? Everything is imploding. It all seems
to lead back to our dear president."


Fully half of Americans now believe Bush purposefully lied to bring about the Iraq invasion/occupation. 
57% believe the Iraq War was 'Not Worth It'.  And 42% believe if the President lied about the war he should be impeached!

Washington, modern-day Rome, has evolved since World War II into an amazingly hubristic, nationalistic, militaristic, and politically incestuous corporate  town.   The two parties that control the capital continually hand out considerable favors and financial rewards to themselves and partners -- dealing ostracism, vilification, and punishment to everyone else who won't sing the same jingoistic tunes.  When it comes to foreign policy issues the two parties can now be considered in reality a fairly unified Imperial Party pursuing with crusading zealotry a worldwide Manifest Destiny-inspired  ideology.    BlogWashington's daunting task is to dissect, unravel, and indeed just plain explain to non-Washingtonians crucial bits and pieces of what's really going on this world capital -- realities you certainly will not find dealt with candidly and honestly by the big corporate newspapers or commercial Television Networks.

Mark A. Bruzonsky
NYU Law School - JD, Root-Tilden Scholar  /
Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs, Princeton Univ - MPA
Past Associations:
  Washington Rep World Jewish Congress  /   Ed Worldview Magazine (New York)  /   Ed Middle East Magazine (London)
  Middle East Consultant - Woodrow Wilson Inter Center for Scholars Smithsonian., National Geographic, Congressional Quarterly
Full bio and publication list                 202 Number2 (202 686-2372)

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